About SL Rangers

Sri Lanka Rangers program is conducting awareness programs for school children on environmental conservation, supporting low income school children for their education whenever they need, supporting schools for general infrastructure developments by fundraising from the tourism and individual donor supports. We support individual organizations to conduct biodiversity surveys and restore their lands into responsible destinations for the ecosystems, community and owners.

Our mission is to engage, inspire and build young generation and community for the conservation, sustainability developments, preservation and forest restorations through education, fund raising and sharing tourism benefits by conducting top notch experience for sustainable travelers, with true hospitality essence of Sri Lankans. Our travel guides are trained on conservation and local stewards to protect their pristine ecosystems.

What We Do

Educational programs for schools

Drive Conservation programs for threatened species

Support vulnerable school children

Awarness programs for communities

Rainforest ecotours

Develop environmental stewards

Expertise support for biodiversity conservation and sustainable developments

Spice spoon - Share tourism benefits for local livelihood development

We are supporting to conserve vulnerable ecosystems

We share our expertise and knowledge on sustainable developments.

Our Team

Contact Us

Rainforest Information Center

No.192, Galle Road

Phone: +94771060565